Finding Lorey's Height Tree in Arboreal Forest
Johan Ekenstedt
13 Nov 2024
In Arboreal Forest version 3.56 we have improved the way of guiding the user to find the tree with Lorey's Height. We have also added a new region in Romania, official volume equation for species and the ability to measure trees with a lot of branches.
How do you find the tree with Lorey's Height?
The app automatically calculates the Quadratic Mean Diameter (QMD) and Basal Area Weighted Mean Diameter (DGV) for all species in the plot. The average between QMD and DGV is very close to the tree with Lorey's Height.
That tree is highlighted in the app with a red circle.
If you want to measure the height of the tree with QMD, you could select that in the settings menu during the measurement session.
Measuring a tree with a lot of branches
If you want to measure a tree with a lot of branches and the Lidar struggles to get a good measurement, you can disable diameter measurement with Lidar in the settings menu in the measurement session.
You will then see two lines on the screen. Align them to the sides of the trunk and press the measure button. The app uses the Lidar to estimate the distance to the tree so the measurement is accurate.
We recommend to only use this method for trees that are hard to measure in the ordinary way as different users align the red lines in differently
New volume equation for species in Romania
We have added the official volume equation for tree species in Romania. You could either measure the diameter and height for many trees and the app will then calculate a height curve by regression and calculate the height for all trees from its diameter. The official volume equation is then used to calculate the volume of each tree.
The other way is to only measure the height on trees that are close to Quadratic Mean Diameter (QMD). The app will then estimate the height for all trees from its diameter using the official equations.
In both cases you are recommended to measure the height of many trees. In the official documents they propose 20-25 trees.
The volume equations have been developed in cooperation with Greengold and Forest Design